Current status: Concluded for 2023

DDD Brisbane

DDD Brisbane is a non profit community event run by developers, for developers. We are currently selling tickets for the 2023 event.

2014 Agenda

Maroon Room Room 401 Red Room Room 406 Orange Room Room 304
8:15 Registration
8:45 Welcome and house-keeping
9:00 Keynote - The Making of Octopus Deploy
Paul Stovell
10:00 Break
10:15 Microservices Lessons from the Trenches
Mehdi Khalili
Git Black Belt Edition
Brendan Forster
The Mobile App Dream Team: From Zero to Shipping
Andrew Harcourt
11:25 Practical Microservice Design
Damian Maclennan
Don't Say f%&k in Front of the Client
William Tulloch
Operability Begins at Home
Nicholas Blumhardt
12:25 Lunch
13:30 What?! C# is Being Updated?
Filip Ekberg
Productive Programming (Busy Developers Guide to Working Smarter)
Paul Usher
Decoupling the Domain from the Database
Daniel Little
14:40 Nancy & Angular: The Warm Hug of Web Development
Brendan Graham
Learn You a UX
Juan Ojeda & Jim Pelletier
ORM is still the Vietnam of Computer Science
Liam McLennan
15:40 Break
15:55 What is OWIN? - The What, the Oh, and the Win
Damian Brady
Don't Get Owned
OJ Reeves
Mobile Services <3 Web Api
Filip Ekberg
17:05 ASP.NET vNext - What Do I Need To Know?
Aaron Powell
Consulting Dark Arts - Lessons from the Trenches
Damian Maclennan
Breaking Bad: You CAN Make Secure Fast Web Pages
Paul Usher
<18:15 Closing
Thanks, Prizes, Migration to the pub