DDD Brisbane

DDD Brisbane is a non profit community event run by developers, for developers. We're currently planning the 2025 event!

2024 Agenda

Click on a Session for more detail

PAC 1 PAC 2 Classroom 1 Classroom 2
8:00 Registration
8:45 Welcome and house-keeping
9:00 LLMs: Inside the Matrix
Joel Pobar
09:45 Changeover
10:00 Let's build the base for a great team!!
Reshma Venugopal
LEGO + Python + GPT = The Journey from Dad to Superdad with OpenAI and Robotics!
Daniel Fang
Using Specifications To Build Correct Software
Liam McLennan
Beyond the Chatbot: More interesting ways to use Azure AI
Ged Moretta
10:45 Morning Tea
11:10 Technical Interview Processes - Surely We Can Do Better
Ted Tencza
Practical Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 9
Jason Taylor
Capture the Flag - First Class feature flags for the win!
Steve Morris
Names, and Other Lies
Dylan Lacey
11:55 Changeover
12:10 Engineering Leadership while in crisis
Fredy Lievano
Th1nk Lik3 a H4cker
Stephen Rees-Carter
Event Based Architectures with Apache Kafka and .Net
Brendan Richards
Overcoming Your Imposter Syndrome with GitHub Copilot*
Michelle Sandford
12:55 Lunch
13:50 Feel the Mayhem - When Deployments go Wrong
Bryden Oliver & Luke Parker
I've burnt out, now what
Aaron Powell
How to Design Your Next Career Move
Emily Conaghan
What makes a real MVP?
Chris Gilbert
14:35 Changeover
14:50 The way you write dotnet is about to fundamentally change
Michael Crook
10 tips and tricks for GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps
David Gardiner
Lets talk about Tech Debt: How to avoid a development stalemate with your platform.
Matthew Andarakis
Quantum Computing for Classical Developers
Julian Burr
15:35 Afternoon Tea
16:00 Agile is dead: help me bury the body
Sunny Wijeratne
Distributed Tracing with Serilog
Ashley Mannix
Simplicity Driven Design
Joe Patterson
A11y on the back end
Samuel Levy
16:45 Changeover
17:05 Chasing moonshots
Jenine Beekhuyzen
17:45 Closing
Thanks & Prizes
