DDD Brisbane

DDD Brisbane is a non profit community event run by developers, for developers. We're currently planning the 2025 event!

2019 Agenda

Red Track Orange Track Blue Track
8:00 Registration
8:45 Welcome and house-keeping
9:15 KEYNOTE - DDD Should Take Over the World
Jessica Kerr
9:55 Engineering at scale: designing high-throughput systems for resilience
A Harcourt
Are you messing with me? Cognitive Bias in Experience Design
D Churchill
Your A to Z Tech Survival Kit
F Healy
10:40 Break
11:10 Field Notes : .NET Core and Docker in Production
D Maclennan
A Case for the Humble Developer
P Manouchehri
Tech Lead to Motherhood : one woman’s journey from changing systems to changing nappies, and back again.
S Taraporewalla
12:05 Fast, Concurrent, Safe: the Case for Learning Rust
N Blumhardt
Marriage of Machine learning and eCommerce website
A Zanganeh
Data Driven Diversity
L Le Gassick
12:50 Lunch
13:50 Crafting compelling real-time web experiences with GraphQL and React
R Crowley
DDD 101
S Morris
Attract, retain and grow technical women
S Herbert
14:45 Advanced Testing Techniques: Tips from the trenches
R Moore
Design Hacks for Developers
J Larchin
Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 2.2
J Taylor
15:30 Break
16:00 I ain’t afraid of no Terminator
V Love
Solving the problem of more work than time and money
L McLennan
A Developer's Guide to Winning at Cognitive Biases
J Cooney
17:00 LOCKNOTE - Supporting Constant Change
Neal Ford
18:00 Closing
Thanks & Prizes

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