DDD Brisbane

DDD Brisbane is a non profit community event run by developers, for developers. We're currently planning the 2025 event!

2017 Agenda

Red Track Orange Track Blue Track
8:15 Registration
8:45 Welcome and house-keeping
9:00 KEYNOTE - Ready for Next
Tatham Oddie
10:10 Seq Deep Dive
N Blumhardt
Building Single Page Applications with ASP.NET Core 2.0
J Taylor
GraphQL - A query language to empower your API Consumers
R Crowley
10:55 Break
11:20 Avoid the microservice fallacy: put your domain back into the mighty monolith
J Højgaard
Ionic, ngrx and Angular: building web and mobile apps with one code base
D Hunter
Deep Learning : Bleeding edge machine learning for Skynet era
Y Mohamed
12:15 Help your users fall into the pit of success
R Pearson
Typescript: Powerful metaprogramming using decorators
J Febres
In from the cold: Finally making Linux and .NET get along
A Chapman
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Evergreen Skills for Software Developers
L Bambrick and J Cooney
So Now I Have A Container? What Now?!
T Passos
Blockchain, I'm pretty sure it's stupid
M Walter
14:55 DDD, CQRS, and ORMs - Finding the sweet spot
A Best
Excellent Teams and How to Build Them
A Dean
Terraforming the world. One cloud at a time.
J Cade
15:40 Break
16:05 Functional Core, Imperative Shell: How all good software architectures are actually the same
L McLennan
Zen and the art of automated gardening
V Love
TDD is bananas
S Morris
17:00 LOCKNOTE - 10 Years of Teaching Kids to Code
Lynn Langit
18:00 Closing
Thanks, Prizes, Migration to the pub