DDD Brisbane

DDD Brisbane is a non profit community event run by developers, for developers. We're currently planning the 2025 event!

2016 Agenda

Red Track Orange Track Blue Track Workshop Track
8:15 Registration
8:45 Welcome and house-keeping
9:00 KEYNOTE - Lessons Learned from Billions of Breached Records
Troy Hunt
10:10 .NET Core vs The World
R Wagner
Don’t Be Dilbert: Survival Tactics for Uninspiring Workplaces
K Hunt
HoloLens - A World Where Anything is Possible
S Carter
Real World Microservice Design
Damian Maclennan & Andrew Harcourt
10:55 Break
11:20 Asp.net core on LINUX. It's the future. Let's dive right in!
J Cooney and L Bambrick
TDD doesn't magically give you good tests
S Morris
Build a wall around your aggregates (and make them pay for it)
S Leigh
Real World Microservice Design (continued)
Damian Maclennan & Andrew Harcourt
12:15 Identity Server 4 with Angular 2 and ASP.NET Core
B Cull
If simple was easy, why is maintenance so hard?
S Taraporewalla
Serverless Architecture: Azure Functions vs AWS Lambda
J Yoo
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Your Data, but Faster: search engines under .NET
B Richards
How I learned to deliver more business impact, with less software features
M Johnston
Don't get owned redux - how to protect yourself
OJ Reeves
An Introduction to .NET Core on Linux & Docker
Tod Thomson & Jakob Højgaard
14:55 The rise and rise of React. Simplifying user interface programming
L McLennan
From Developer to Entrepreneur - A Solo Founder's Journey
M Rowan
Audience participation, industrial-grade continuous delivery
A Harcourt
15:40 Break
16:05 TypeScript - Code Javascript likes it's 2016!
I Yates
An Agile Retrospective
C Gilbert
How Blizzard turned a regular shit show into an amazing user experience: The Legion Launch
V Love
An Introduction to .NET Core on Linux & Docker (continued)
Tod Thomson & Jakob Højgaard
17:00 LOCKNOTE - Error, justice and learning from failure
Sidney Dekker
18:00 Closing
Thanks, Prizes, Migration to the pub