DDD Brisbane

DDD Brisbane is a non profit community event run by developers, for developers. We're currently planning the 2025 event!

2013 Agenda

Maroon Room Room 303 Red Room Room 309 Orange Room Room 302
8:15 Registration
8:45 Welcome and house-keeping
9:00 Your domain model is too big for RAM (and other fallacies)
Andrew Harcourt
What is this Node.js thing and why should I care
Maurice Butler
Personal Kanban
TJ Gokcen
10:00 Break
10:15 Ten Things F# Can Do... and C# Can't
Liam McLennan
Real-time Web Applications with SignalR
Brendan Kowitz
Securing ASP.NET Web APIs
William Tulloch
11:25 Messaging patterns for scalable, distributed systems
Andrew Harcourt and Damian Maclennan
Building Your First Windows Phone App
Lars Klint
Too agile for Agile, and other such stories
Robert Wagner
12:25 Lunch
13:30 What's new for Web Developers in Visual Studio 2013
Scott Hanselman
14:40 Automated deployment using TeamCity and Octopus Deploy
Paul Stovell
JavaScript... Aww yeah!
Aaron Powell
Getting the best value out of your software licences
Kay Lam-MacLeod
15:40 Break
16:00 Developing in a Decade from Now
Hadi Hariri
JavaScript tracing, debugging, profiling made simple with spy-js
Artem Govorov
Gamification and Enterprise Solutions
Mouna Neelakanta
17:00 Open Q&A
Scott Hanselman, Hadi Hariri, Joseph Albahari, Joel Pobar
<18:00 Closing
Thanks, Prizes, Migration to the pub